Monthly blog posts


September 1st, the meeting was lead by Carl Lacrete. It started by a nice game to warm everyone. Then right after the youth quickly summarize the previous meeting before they started to discuss the topics of the day.

We had two major teams form between the youth, each group assisted by a monitor had to develop a topic and present it to the rest of the club.

The topic discussed were : Greenhouse gas emissions, causes, efffects and solutions. Storms: causes, effects and behavior to adopt in case of storms.

ATeam watching a video explaining the process of Greenhouse gaz emissions.



On August 25th the Friends of Nature were unable to meet, because of the Storm : Isaac.



There was a very dynamic discussion during our 7th meeting about the different types of forests. Now our youth are able to tell what kind of trees grow in a specific type of forest. They also know that the trees in the forest fight usually between them to have more sun and they were very surprised :D

The topic on acid rain has been discussed one more time to help the youth understand what is acid rain and what are the main causes of this phenomenon. They have also known its consequences : it affects negatively our health and of course the existence of many types of trees.



The sixth meeting on August 11th was particularly instructive.
The Friend of Nature discussed the benefits of water, the different ways it is stocked in the nature and the process of its creation. They learn the functions of the trees in the process of water creation.

There was also with the club a Guest speaker Mrs Inette Durandis who developed a particularly interesting topic :" How fruits plant can benefit our economy through a good utilization and transformation of the fruits and only the fruits". This would encourage our farmers to plant each year more fruit plants.  She tells us about her project which goal is to transform and conserve 'l'arbre veritable" a fruit easily degradable.

At the end of our meeting, we had  a lot of questions, a youth presentation on acid rain and finally a quiz contest.

The winners of the previous week quiz contest have also been rewarded. (For more pictures go on the Photos and video section)
Mrs Duurandis



One week after  the promises made by the friends of Nature, the possibility was given to start to realize some. On August 4th, the meeting goal was to plant fruit seeds all together on the school yard.
Just before we started the activity, Aladin John a student in faculty of agronomy has discussed with the members the properties of fruits plants. A short quiz right after that have been done and the 3 members who gave the best answers will be given a prize next week.  Two friends of nature made researches and discussed on "Vetiver" a plant usually used to fight erosion.
This was part I.

Part II: Planting Seeds.
 Wearing gloves and  the same t-shirts-on which was printed SDOG and Nature friends Club (in french), every one was working, putting soil plant in grow bag and after adding the seeds under the supervion of Aladin and another agronomy specialist Jose Minerve Cayo. They water the soils and put them in safe place were they would have just the right amount of sun. It was instructive, because through the activity they had this opportunity to ask questions about plants, how the grow etc.



On July 28, at our fifth meeting the Nature friends Club, welcomed two special visitors, who contributed to make the meeting a success, by their interventions. One a student in medicine who explained shortly the links between trees, a good environment and the health. And our other guest a toastmaster who contributed to encourage the shyest member to be more expressive.

Upon the meeting, our principal activity was to watch the short movie :"The Given three",  after what every member made a written promise to make concretes actions to help and promote a good environment.

Most of the members promised to plant a certain amount of trees each year, others promised to have trees in their yard and to take care of them, while some promised to talk and aware people who are cutting trees about the bad consequences.



The third meeting of the friends of Nature was quit calm! Not every one could attend it for different reasons. Apparently it was going to rain, and as it can be dangerous outside when it is raining a lot of the members call to unfortunately tell they could not make it. On another hand, some of our students, the olders, were preparing their state exams.

But we however had our meeting but a few changes as to be done. The members who were there had the possibility to watch two documentaries. One  about causes of deforestion in the world and the other about the causes in Haiti. It gave them the possibility to think one more time about the problem. A brilliant idea has been proposed: Why not doing a visit to one of our most splintered forest, Parc La Visite, that has been considered, since years, by the governments as a protected site.

Every one was surprised to learn that in the world, approximately the equivalent of 1 football field are cut every 5 to 6 seconds, to grow cows sometimes. In Haiti threes are mainly cut to produce charcoal and wood for construction without absolutely any regulations. They heard different testimonies from people living in the forest, that are conscious that cutting threes has negative influence on their community but they do not have any other way to make money and save families.

They came up with many  macro and micro solutions to those problems. They also realized that deforestion is a very complex problem and that they have to be very engaged to help resolving the problem.

Happy and satisfy at the end, every one left. The rain never came!!



Saturday, July 14th : Second meeting of the Nature Friends Club leading by SDOG team.

The meeting started around 3:30 pm and was animated by Medelle. More than 20 participants were attending that meeting! About each of the youth that attend the club on July 7th, invited a friend or more.
One more time we played a name game in oreder to allow each and every one to know themselves. Teams of twoo were created, each memeber of the team had to collect information on the other and after tells to everyone what he had learn about his new friend. It was specially importany to have this game since their was a lot of new participant and it was a large group.
This helped them to get a little bit more familiar and also we could observe that it facilitates the discussions after.

One of our participant Josue,a pianist, had the great idea to come with his keyboard. After a very interesting discussion about  human behavior and its consequences on deforestation, they exchage ideas about this song of Michael Jackson the famous : "Earth Song" that they song together at the end.

The young people participated actively in the activities of the meeting. This meeting was rich in topics : General knowledges, Games and especially awereness sessions on the environment, the importance of plants and their usefulness.

The young people understood the need to take part in the reforestation activities and especially to put concrete actions of development in their community.

This meeting was a succes.

We are working in order to make the future meetings richer and more beautiful!


After weeks of planification and preparation the first youth club finally met on July 7th. The Nature friends club as it was named, started its meeting at 4:oo PM in the afternoon and ten (10) of the nature friends were there. All together they spent a wonderfull time, getting to know each other  while playing this great name game: MY NAME, in which each participant had to tell his name and say why his/her parents called him/her like that.

They also shared a lot of ideas about the importance of the youth for our sociaty, they identified the biggest problem in our environment and though about wheter they had yet helped their environment to get better and how they can help their environemnt to be a better place to live.

Although they were not a very large group at the first meeting, they all had fun. One could see  sincerity in their eyes while they were talking about environment.  And every of them promise to bring at least 2 guests in the second meeting. At the end of the day a small evaluation was made by our participant to identify the strengths and the weaknesses of the activity in order to improve  the next meeting.

The SDOG group was very satisfied and is working on having a more fun an educational meeting on saturday 14. We invite every one to take part in it . It will be at Lycee Horatius Laventure at 3PM!  You will enjoy it!
Stay tune for the next posts on our activities! And remember you too, can act to STOP Deforestation!

The SDOG Group!

After the first Nature friends meeting with some particapants.

Après des semaines de préparation la première activité du projet SDOG,  finalement eu lieu le samedi 7 juillet 2012, à 4hpm : la réunion du « Club des amis de la nature ». Dix nouveaux membres, du Club des amis de la nature y étaient. Tous ensembles passèrent un agréable moment à faire connaissance, à discuter autour des problématiques de l’environnement et à jouer.

Les amis de la nature commencèrent par échanger des idées sur l’importance de la jeunesse dans notre société, ils identifièrent les principaux problèmes environnementaux. Finalement leurs réflexions les amenèrent à se questionner de manière à savoir si oui ou non ils avaient contribué à protéger leur environnement dans leurs activités de tous les jours.

A la fin de la réunion une évaluation a été faite par nos participants afin d’identifier les forces et faiblesses de l’activité et l’améliorer.Cette réunion tout en étant instructive fut très amusante. La prochaine réunion se tiendra dans un  se tiendra le samedi 14 juillet a 3h PM, au Lycée Horatius Laventure. Tous ceux qui souhaitent se joindre au club sont déjà les bienvenues.

En attendant le prochain compte rendu sur la réunion du 14 juillet et d’autres publications, nous vous invitons à agir chaque jour  de manière à protéger la nature, à ralentir le phénomène de la déforestation.

Le groupe SDOG

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