Plan and Timeline

Different set of activities that will be combined to achieve the goals of the project are exposed below:

 *Workshops with youth
In churches of the community  short workshops will be organizing  for children. These workshops target young children from 6 to 13 years old. Trough those workshops children will be thought about the importance of trees for their community, what are the impact of deforestation and how they can resolve those problems.

 *Club for youth
The project will launch a club for youth. We will have weekly meetings in which we will mainly discuss about how to stop deforestation, what strategies should be used, how young people can actively help to reduce deforestation and enhance reforestation. At the end of the club each member will receive a fruit plant to take care of at home.

*A day of planting
The project will end on its biggest activity that will be the day of planting. We are going to plant 670 trees in the portion of the mountain Lhopital that is near to the community of Juvenat.

 The project STOP DEFORESTATION! OUR GOAL! will contribute to resolve a big problem in Haiti.It will raise awareness of the population and particularly the youth on  the importance of reforestation. It will without any doubt inspire them and encourage them to actively take part to the resolution of the problem. A sense of community services will be developed as it will require the participation of many volunteers.
 But overall the project will provide 670 trees to the community.

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